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The Good Wife 5.17
«A Material World»
(Les dames en noir)

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Diffusé le 13/04/2014
Diffusé sur The Good Wife Etats-Unis CBS CBS
9 833 000

The Good Wife 5.17
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Citations de l'épisode
Peter : " Well, I can't compete with a dead man, but if you think your life would have been better with Will, you are kidding yourself ! "
Alicia : " Stop it, Peter ! "
Peter : " No, I'm not gonna let you throw away this marriage because you have some idealized notion of a man who you're not even sure he cared about you ! "
Alicia : " You're a bastard ! "
Peter : " And you're a selfish bitch ! But you know what ? We're all that we have ! "
Alicia : " No. Not anymore."
Legolas Proposé par Legolas le 16/04/14
David Lee : " Diane, I have some advice for you : when in mourning, don't make big decisions, at least for a year."
Diane : " Really ? Gretchen, move David Lee out of his current office and send him to that office back there."
David Lee : " You can't do that ! "
Diane : " Yes I can, I'm on the infrastructure committee, too bad you're not ! Is that a big enough decision for you ? "
Legolas Proposé par Legolas le 16/04/14
Peter : "How many times do I have to tell you ? When I cheated, it didn't mean anything."
Alicia : "Well then that was a waste, because when I cheated, it did !"
FlorianN Proposé par FlorianN le 14/04/14
Peter : "Look, you lost a friend. You didn't lose your child. You didn't lose your husband."
Alicia : "I lost my husband a long time ago."
FlorianN Proposé par FlorianN le 14/04/14
David : "You're no Will Gardner, Diane. You'll only hurt yourself trying to be."
Diane : "Well then fasten your seat belts, we're heading for a lot of hurt."
FlorianN Proposé par FlorianN le 14/04/14
Citations The Good Wife

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