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The Good Wife 3.21
«The Penalty Box»
(Le Côté obscur)
Écrit par Michelle King, Robert King

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Diffusé le 22/04/2012
Diffusé sur The Good Wife Etats-Unis CBS CBS
10 342 000

The Good Wife 3.21
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Citations de l'épisode
Juge Cuesta : "Do you think there is a Hell ?"
Diane : "No."
Juge Cuesta : "Me neither. Then I meet lawyers and I change my mind."
Legolas Proposé par Legolas le 11/02/14
Diane : "You what ?"
Will : "I'm dating her."
Diane : "You're dating Callie Simko ?"
Will : " Yes, just recently."
Diane : "Will I--I don't mean to intrude but could you please keep your pants zipped ?"
Legolas Proposé par Legolas le 11/02/14
Juge Cuesta (à propos du juge Whicks) : "Oh my Gosh, he's an idiot !"
Legolas Proposé par Legolas le 11/02/14
Will : "Is Judge Cuesta coming here today ?"
Diane : "Yes. We discuss strategy in a half hour."
Will : "Which is when I have a sit-down with Lemon Bishop."
Diane : "The city's top meth dealer in the waiting room with its top judge. Yes, that qualifies as awkward scheduling."
Legolas Proposé par Legolas le 11/02/14
Diane : "He's everything we need right now. A go-getter. Knows the ins and outs of the state's attorney's office."
Will : "The conflicts of interest here could sink a battleship."
Diane : "Are we really suddenly worried about conflicts of interests ? We face 50 between here and the elevator !"
Legolas Proposé par Legolas le 11/02/14
Citations The Good Wife

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