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Cheers 5.23
«Norm's First Hurrah»

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Diffusé le 26/03/1987
Diffusé sur Cheers Etats-Unis NBC NBC
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Norm annonce au bar qu'il a obtenu un nouveau travail génial dans un cabinet d'experts-comptables prestigieux. Pour le féliciter, ils décident de lui rendre visite dans son nouveau bureau et découvrent que Norm a exagéré son travail, en particulier la taille de son bureau qui est minuscule et était auparavant une salle de stockage, qu'il doit partager. Quand il est seul avec Diane, Norm exprime sa frustration, et Diane l'accuse de ne pas être plus ambitieux dans sa vie en général. Cette critique et sa position dans l'entreprise incitent Norm à croire qu'il peut gravir les échelons de la réussite. Avec l'aide de Diane, il pense avoir trouvé un plan qui lui permettra de réussir professionnellement, ce qui serait une première pour lui. Pendant ce temps, au bar, Sam et Diane discutent de leur destination de lune de miel. Diane rêverait d'aller au Tibet alors que le rêve de Sam est d'aller à Disney World.

FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican
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Diane : "Now, Norman, please. Now don't let this phase you. You have to keep pushing. I know that this idea didn't succeed, but others will."
Norm : "No no, Diane, a few moments ago, I almost made the biggest mistake of my professional life and it was because I was doing something that just wasn't me. I am not a go-getter, I've never been a go-getter. What's more, I don't even want to be a go-getter. I'm very happy right where I am. I'm tired of all these people saying "Peterson, you gotta push", "You gotta get ahead", "You gotta make that goal." I don't even want to make the goal, Diane. I want to be a bench warmer, OK? The world needs bench warmers. I mean, if there were no bench warmers, what would we have? We'd have... cold benches. A lot of cold benches and the world does not need that, Diane. In this great pageantry of life, Norm Peterson may be a motionless lump, but he's a very damn good one."
Diane : "Norman, I've never seen you so impassioned."
Norm: "That's because I believe in this, Diane. Look, Norm Peterson is totally happy being an anonymous cog in the gigantic machinery of this firm."
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 26/03/23
Norm: "See what I mean, Diane? I just wasn't meant to be a success."
Diane: "Norman, may I speak to you for a moment? You make me sick. You're a quitter, Norman. No, you're worse than that. You're a non-starter. You don't even try. You sit around the bar all day. You sit around your house all day. You sit around here all day. You sit around life all day. How are you gonna feel some day at the end of your life when you're lying... no, make that sitting... on your deathbed and you realize that the only thing you've done in your life is sit around and watch people do things, make things out of their lives. Well, maybe you're right, Norman. Maybe you're not meant for success. Maybe you're meant for exactly what you are. Nothing."
Norm: "Diane, you have no right to say that to me."
Diane: "Norman, I said those things to you because I care."
Norm: "You must care an awful lot about me."
Diane: "Well, I do. All of your friends care about you an awful lot. And we're tired of seeing you give up so easily."
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 26/03/23
Citations Cheers

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