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Frasier 4.18
«Ham Radio»
(Monnaie de sa pièce)

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Notez l'épisode :
Diffusé le 22/04/1997
Diffusé sur Frasier Etats-Unis NBC NBC
Non communiquée

Frasier 4.18
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Citations de l'épisode
Frasier : "Well, that's our show for today, but let me remind you to tune in on Saturday night for KACL's presentation of "Nightmare Inn". Just set your dials for goosebumps. Till then, this is Dr. Frasier Crane reminding you that you never know what's lurking in the shadows (se met à rire diaboliquement)"
Roz : "Well, that should certainly comfort the woman who called in about her paranoia."
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 30/04/23
Frasier : "I'm still not entirely happy with the second McAllister sister. She doesn't sound spinsterish enough for me."
Mel : "I see. You also told me that me gamekeeper sounded too cultured, that my Irishman sounded more Protestant than Catholic, and that my dwarf was too tall."
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 30/04/23
Gil : "I'm dying..."
Frasier : "Poor man was gone."
Gil : "...Never again to revisit the scene of my boyhood in Surrey... romping with my school chums in the fens and spinneys..."
Frasier : "Just then, the lights went out again. Nigel Fairservice was shot again!"
Gil : "Only grazed me! When the twilight bathed the hedgerows like a lum..."
Frasier : "The final bullet blew his head clean off his shoulders! All right, people, let's try to keep calm although it's hard when the killer
is among us."
Gil : "Heigh-ho, I'm Nigel's brother, Cedric. I haven't seen him since our boyhood. We'd romp..."
Frasier : "And so died the last surviving member
of the Fairservice family."
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 30/04/23
Maxine : "Ahhhhhhh! Look out, he's got a nug."
Frasier : "A gun! A gun is what he's got!"
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 30/04/23
Citations Frasier

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