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Frasier 5.14
«The Ski Lodge»
(Ski doux)

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Notez l'épisode :
Diffusé le 24/02/1998
Diffusé sur Frasier Etats-Unis NBC NBC
Non communiquée

Frasier 5.14
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Citations de l'épisode
Annie : "How dare you barge in on me when I'm naked!"
Frasier : "I'm sorry. My father told me you were hot for me."
Annie : "Your father did?!"
Frasier : "Well, blame Daphne, she's the one who told him."
Daphne : "I did not. I said she wanted your brother."
Guy : "Could Niles and I please have some privacy?"
Annie : "You're just putting the moves on everyone, aren't you?"
Niles : "Would you kindly get out of my bed? I am not gay, Guy."
Guy : "Please, acknowledge your true nature. Stop chasing these lesbians!"
Daphne : "Lesbians?!"
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 03/05/23
Niles : "Boy, that was close. I owe you a big one."
Guy : "Your room?"
Niles : "Oh, good point, Guy. She's right next door. She's bound to hear me in there."
Guy : "We can go in my room."
Niles : "It's much safer. No matter how hard I try, I'm bound to make noise."
Guy : "Me too."
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 03/05/23
Guy : "You are not the Crane I want!"
Frasier : "You're not even the sex I want!"
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 03/05/23
Niles : "I've got to get a new divorce lawyer. Claude is clearly no match for Maris's team."
Daphne : "Real sharks, are they?"
Niles : "When we were courting I sent Maris a Valentine that said, "You're the girl my heart adores, everything I have is yours." Now they're calling it a pre-nup."
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 03/05/23
Guy : "Your son Niles… Is it my imagination, or is he attracted to…"
Martin : "Hold it right there, it’s not your imagination. He’s got it bad."
Guy : "Really? This is not a delicate subject for you?"
Martin : "Oh, no, no, Niles has had those feelings for years. Of course, I didn’t encourage it during his so-called marriage, but now that he’s free, whatever makes him happy, I say, “Go for it!”"
Guy : "You are a wonderful father."
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 03/05/23
Citations Frasier

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