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Sons of Anarchy 4.11
«Call of Duty»
(Jeu de guerre)

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Diffusé le 15/11/2011
Diffusé sur Sons of Anarchy Etats-Unis FX FX
4 234 000

Saisons  1 2 3 5 6 7

Sons of Anarchy 4.11
Clay s'éloigne de plus en plus des membres de son club pendant que Jax découvre ce qui est arrivé à sa mère. Wendy fait son retour à Charming car elle veut voir son fils et Tara le prend très mal. En parallèle, Otto est d'accord de balancer Bobby en échange de garanties. La guerre contre les Lobos touche à sa fin mais encore une fois du sang a été versé dans la bataille...

nicoalz Proposé par nicoalz
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Citations de l'épisode
Opie : "Gonna pick up Piney. Got a feeling he's in no condition to ride."
Wayne : "Yeah. Probably not."
nicoalz Proposé par nicoalz le 10/12/11
Opie : "When Donna wanted me out... I didn't stay 'cause of what you said. I stayed 'cause I knew that trying to be anything else would be a lie... and that's the worst thing a guy can do to his family."
nicoalz Proposé par nicoalz le 10/12/11
Wayne : "I know you killed Piney. I know you tried to kill Tara. My telling Jax what I know only hurts him. But I'm warning you, Clay... and may whatever shit god I still believe in be witness to this-- you ever hurt Gemma again, I'll kill you."
Clay : "I guess cancer gives a man a certain resolve, huh? Benefit of an end date. Nothing more dangerous than a guy who already knows he's dead."
nicoalz Proposé par nicoalz le 10/12/11
Bobby : "There's only one way I'm not gonna kill you. You're gonna tell me the truth about Luann."
Georgie : "I don't know anything."
Bobby : "You know nothing?"
Georgie : "Okay, I'll tell you the truth! I'll tell you the truth, but you can't kill me! You guys live by your word and shit, right? You got to honor this."
Bobby : "All right, I promise. I'm not gonna kill you."
nicoalz Proposé par nicoalz le 10/12/11
Gemma : "Are you planning on leaving? Charming? I can't take any more lies, Jackson."
Jax : "Yeah."
Gemma : "Does Clay know?"
Jax : "Yeah. Don't take this to Tara, Mom. Please, not now."
Gemma : "No, I won't."
Jax : "Us leaving... it's about my sons."
Gemma : "It always is."
nicoalz Proposé par nicoalz le 10/12/11
Citations Sons of Anarchy

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