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BoJack Horseman 3.03
«BoJack Kills»
(BoJack tue)

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Diffusé le 22/07/2016
Diffusé sur BoJack Horseman Etats-Unis Netflix Netflix
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BoJack Horseman 3.03
Bojack et Diane découvrent un cadavre dans la piscine de Cuddlywhiskers. Bojack est convaincu qu'on veut lui coller un meurtre sur le dos et suit la piste d'un ancien acteur reconverti dans la gestion de parc aquatique, Goober. Mr Peanutbutter et Todd se sont frottés à une moufette, et demandent de l'aide à Princess Carolyn.

Chauff Proposé par Chauff
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Citations de l'épisode
Diane: It’s not about being happy, that is the thing. I’m just trying to get through each day. I can’t keep asking myself “Am I happy? “ It just makes me more miserable. I don’t know If I believe in it, real lasting happiness, All those perky, well-adjusted people you see in movies and TV shows ? I don’t think they exist.

Bojack: No one’s happy all the time, you have to focus on the small things

Diane: Right

Diane: Everyone was worried about you, you know. You can’t just disappear. You really hurt a lot of people.

Fuzzy Whiskers: Sometimes you need to take responsibility for you own happiness Diane: You don’t think that’s a little selfish ?

Fuzzy Whiskers: I don’t know what to tell you. I’m happy for the first time in my life and I’m not gonna feel bad about it. It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are and even longer to see it doesn’t have to be that way. Only after you give up everything can you begin to find a way to be happy.
Flavio ~ Proposé par Flavio ~ le 26/08/19
BoJack : "The Academy does not look kindly on murder. Rape, they don't seem to have a problem with."
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 18/08/16
Citations BoJack Horseman

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