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Citations de la série TV The Shield

Saison 7
The Shield saison 7 Episode 12
Vic : "How much memory has that thing got ?"

The Shield saison 7 Episode 2
Gang Leader: "I claim black man south central east side rider."
Vic: "well, you're gonna be the only cat in guantanamo praying in that direction."

Saison 6
The Shield saison 6 Episode 7
Vic: "God creates all men equal
Once they get out of the womb,
he starts playing favorites."

The Shield saison 6 Episode 4
Billings : I love the smell of underage
sexual assault in the morning.
Claudette : ...
Billings : I didn't mean that the way it came out.

Saison 5
The Shield saison 5 Episode 9
Vic : "You think if Kavanaugh's successful I'm gonna go down quietly?
I will scorch the earth covering this whole department, starting with you."

Saison 4
The Shield saison 4 Episode 5
Antwon Mitchell : "From now on, I say : suck my dick. You say : Do you want me to lick your balls, daddy ?"

The Shield