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Citations de la série TV 30 Rock

Saison 7
30 Rock saison 7 Episode 12
Jack: "I got the job, I pissed off my enemies – Pelosi, Maddow, Baldwin – it should've been the greatest moment of my life..."

30 Rock saison 7 Episode 6
Liz : "I mean, I can always use Cerie. Although, the one time I did send her on an errand, she met some guy who flew her to Paris, and then she started modeling. And then she ended up being the reason why the French soccer team did so badly in the 2010 World Cup."

30 Rock saison 7 Episode 3
Tracy : "Phyllis Diller, Joan Rivers, Gilda Radner, Lucille Ball, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Carol Burnett, Lily Tomlin"
Liz : "Yes, thank you Tracy! Those are all very funny women"
Tracy : "Funny women? Those are the names of my fingers"

30 Rock saison 7 Episode 1
Kenneth : "Mr. Jordan, I mentioned your dinner party idea to Hazel"
Hazel : "Yes, and I thought we'd have a little fête chez nous ce soir"
Tracy : "Oh, how nice to meet a woman who speaks the language of the Nazis' most enthusiastic collaborators!"

Saison 5
30 Rock saison 5 Episode 3
Jack : "Diversity means new ideas and new markets. It is our best hope for true innovation."
Liz : "Did you tell all that to congresswoman Bookman?"
Jack : "No, I was too busy trying to remember the name of the black kid on community."
Liz : "D'nall glover."

Saison 4
30 Rock saison 4 Episode 2
Donaghy : "i'll make this company profitable so fast, the only headline will be "Donaghy saves G.E. , comma, marries you mum"!
Banks : see you in a couple of days Jack... Piouuuuu (mime un laser gun)
Donaghy : whooohooo, laser shield.

Saison 3
30 Rock saison 3 Episode 19
Tracy : "You're wise, Liz Lemon. Like a genetically manipulated shark."

30 Rock saison 3 Episode 13
Liz : "Being terrible has never prevented success in the music business."

30 Rock saison 3 Episode 10
Elisa : "He drugged her champagne and had his way with her. Later she gave birth to the devil. You know, sweeps week."

30 Rock saison 3 Episode 9
Tracy : "There's no link between diabetes and diet. That's a white myth, like Larry Bird or Colorado."

30 Rock saison 3 Episode 8
Jenna : "I know what we can get the crew. They don't need soup, they need medicine. And what's the best medicine ?"
Tracy : "Medicine ?"
Jenna : "Laughter."

30 Rock saison 3 Episode 7
Jack : "Thank you for telling me what I already know. You should work with the Huffington Post."

30 Rock saison 3 Episode 6
Colleen : "Numbers, unlike children, don't lie."

Saison 2
30 Rock saison 2 Episode 12
Bucky Bright : "I didn’t run into a single living soul. Except one gigantic lesbian. Who is Conan O’Brien, and why is she so sad ?"

30 Rock saison 2 Episode 10
Kenneth : "I don't drink coffee, sir. I don't drink hot liquids of any kind. That's the Devil's temperature."

Saison 1
30 Rock saison 1 Episode 18
Devon : "You're going down."
Jack : "No, Devon. I don't do that."

30 Rock