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Citations de la série TV My Mad Fat Diary

Saison 2
My Mad Fat Diary saison 2 Episode 2
Rae : "No no no no no ! Don't do that ! Then they'll find out that we were in here, together. They'll think we've been fucking."
Finn : "Why would we fuck in the disabled toilet ?"
Rae : "Because there is more room in here than in a normal toilet ! It's even got these little handle things !"

My Mad Fat Diary saison 2 Episode 1
Rae (off) : "What if I can't relax ? What if I get so nervous that my vagina turns to stone and I can't feel anything ? Or even worse, what if Finn didn't know what he was doing ? I had hours and days and weeks of experience in the lady area, I knew how it operaded. What if I had to fake an orgasm ? How the hell do you fake an orgasm ?! What if he couldn't find my... Oh ! Holy Lord Jesus Christ ! Fuck."