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Seinfeld 2.10
«The Baby Shower»
(Un heureux événement )

Notez l'épisode :
Notez l'épisode :
Diffusé le 16/05/1991
Diffusé sur Seinfeld Etats-Unis NBC NBC
17 200 000

Saisons  1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Seinfeld 2.10
En déplacement durant le week-end, Jerry accepte qu'Elaine utilise son appartement pour organiser un baby shower. De plus, Kramer parvient à le convaincre d'installer chez lui illégalement le cable. Cependant, à cause d'une mauvaise météo, son avion est annulé.

rinker Proposé par rinker
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Citations de l'épisode
Elaine : "Kramer ! Kramer ! look at him ! Look ! He's eating all the food !"
Kramer : "Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, there are many differences between American and Soviet cultures that you're not aware of. See, in Russian, the cable guy, they got the whole run of the house. Yeah, that's tradition."
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 18/02/14
Kramer : "Elaine, do you know how booked up this guy is? Now, if I send him away now, it's gonna take Jerry months to get him back. He won't like that."
Elaine : "Alright. Just do it fast and then get out."
Kramer : "Anatoly ! Look, it's gonna take a few minutes... then, you and the gals can take a load off and watch something on Lifetime."
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 18/02/14
Jerry: "I'm not afraid of flying, although many people do have fear of flying and, I have no arguement with that. I think fear of flying is quite rational because, human beings cannot fly. Humans have fear of flying same way fish have fear of driving. Put a fish behind the wheel, and they go, 'This isn't right. I shouldn't be doing this. I don't belong here.'"
FrenchAmerican Proposé par FrenchAmerican le 18/02/14
Citations Seinfeld

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