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Sons of Anarchy 4.06
«With An X»
(La menace fantôme)

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Diffusé le 11/10/2011
Diffusé sur Sons of Anarchy Etats-Unis FX FX
3 557 000

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Sons of Anarchy 4.06
Suite à la disparition d'un sachet de cocaïne, tout le monde commence à s'accuser. Jay et Alvarez prennent donc les choses en main et se promettent de trouver le coupable dont la sentence sera la mort. Gemma voit débarquer au club la fille de Tig. Après que Lyla ait comprise que Opie et Ima ont passés la nuit ensemble, les choses dégénèrent.

rinker Proposé par rinker
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Citations de l'épisode
Juice : "Do you ever push back against the rules? Some of them are pretty hardcore."
Chibs : "Knew what they were when we signed up."
Juice : "The black thing ever bother you? With Fiona, and all?"
Chibs : "Fiona was an old lady."
Juice : "Yeah, I know, but still."
Chibs : "Listen, the rules have been around since day one. Different time. I'm not saying I agree with them all. But you know, if I start picking and choosing which ones to follow, then... the whole thing just falls apart."
nicoalz Proposé par nicoalz le 04/12/11
Piney : "Your dick almost got people killed."
nicoalz Proposé par nicoalz le 04/12/11
Tara : "Keep that .38 close, bitch. You're going to need it."
nicoalz Proposé par nicoalz le 04/12/11
Alvarez : "Now we find the bitch who took it, it don't matter Mayan or Son, he's dead."
nicoalz Proposé par nicoalz le 04/12/11
Alvarez : "So you were the last one here?"
Juice : "Yeah, I stuck a key of blow down my pants and just walked out. Douchebag."
nicoalz Proposé par nicoalz le 04/12/11
Citations Sons of Anarchy

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