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Citations de la série TV How to Get Away With Murder

Saison 6
How to Get Away With Murder saison 6 Episode 15
Eve : « When the sun shines on you, you’re a fool to turn away. »

How to Get Away With Murder saison 6 Episode 15
Michaela : "I already went to prison, Connor. It's called my childhood. No one ever taught me how to... do my hair, wash myself, or read. I ate bait once because my father forgot to feed me. My uncle showed his affection by putting cigarettes out on my skin. I can tell you a hundred stories like that, or worse but... I don't want to, because I worked really hard to... forget and get out and become the damn miracle that I am. So, no. I'm not gonna choose to suffer if I don't have to. I've suffered enough."

How to Get Away With Murder saison 6 Episode 15
Annalise: "What if I shouldn't win, Mama?"

Ophelia: "What?"

Annalise: "It's easy to want to win when it's right. But this? Me?"

Ophelia: "What are you saying, Anna Mae?"

Annalise: "I've done a lot of bad things, Mama. If people only knew. What if I deserve to lose?"

Ophelia: "That's not your decision to make."

Annalise: "It's the jury's, and I have to give a closing convincing them that I deserve to be free."

Ophelia: "It's God's decision, Anna Mae. God is the only one who can look at the whole picture and decide who deserves what. Not you, not that jury, not your mama. All you have to do is show up, and I know you well enough to know that you know damn well how to show up when it counts."

How to Get Away With Murder saison 6 Episode 15
Connor : "Oliver? Thank you"
Oliver : "For what?"
Connor : "I know how to love now"

How to Get Away With Murder saison 6 Episode 15
Eve : "What words can make meaning out of an entire life or do justice to a lifetime of struggles and triumphs and to try and do this for Annalise? So, I'll start with this. I never loved anyone the way I loved Annalise. I loved her even when she didn't choose me. But those moments when she did choose me? I would feel seen. I think we all seek that person in our lives: someone who shows us it's possible to survive whatever good or bad is thrown at you. It's one of the thousand things Annalise taught me. What feels like hell right now is a gift later. That's not to say Annalise was easy to love. But then when you thought of that young girl from Memphis, you... forgave her for everything. I think that's why so many of us are here today. To remember her, yes. But also to forgive her. For better or for worse, we were all chosen by Annalise. And despite the demands she put on us, we know she taught us something. I think that's what she valued most about her life. Not the trials she won or glass ceilings she broke. But the fights she lost. She knew these were the things that made her her: determined, tough, stubborn. I know many people find it hard to be around a person like this. It's easier to choose nice. Even if that means settling. But the rest of us know this. When the sun shines on you... you're a fool to turn away."

How to Get Away With Murder saison 6 Episode 7
Franck : "What's the point of fighting so hard to stay alive if we're just gonna die alone?"

How to Get Away With Murder saison 6 Episode 6
Bonnie : "Nothing good comes from hating yourself..."

Saison 4
How to Get Away With Murder saison 4 Episode 13
Annalise : "Racism is built into the DNA of America. And as long as we turn a blind eye to the pain of those suffering under its oppression, we will never escape those origins. The only safeguard people of color have is the right to a defense, and we won't even give them that. Which means that the promise of civil rights has never been fulfilled. Due to the failure of our justice system, our public defense system in particular, Jim Crow is alive and kicking; laws that made it illegal for blacks and whites to be buried in the same cemetery, that categorized people into quadroons and octaroons, that punished a black person for seeking medical attention in a white hospital. Some may claim that slavery has ended. But tell that to the inmates who are kept in cages and told that they don't have any rights at all. People like my client, Nathaniel Lahey, and millions of people like him who are relegated to a subclass of human existence in our prisons. There is no alternative to justice in this case. There is no other option. To decide against my plaintiff is to choose lining the pockets of prison owners over providing basic defense for the people who live in them. And is that the America that this Court really wants to live in? Where money is more important than humanity? Where criminality is confused with mental health? The Sixth Amendment was ratified in 1791. It's been 226 years since then. Let's finally guarantee its rights to all of our citizens."

How to Get Away With Murder saison 4 Episode 11
Nathaniel (à Nate) : "You stopped being my son the moment you became a pig. You still a pig? (pause) You know what a pig is? He's a bitch for the white man. You ain't my son. You ain't my son. This pig ain't my son."

Saison 2
How to Get Away With Murder saison 2 Episode 4
Annalise: "I think about it a lot. Killing myself. I have ever since I was a child. A lot of times I think the world would be a much better place without me in it. But I don't do it. You're a better woman than me, and if I don't deserve to die, than you definitely don't. I'm sorry you feel alone in your pain, but so do I. So does everybody, that's life."

How to Get Away With Murder saison 2 Episode 3
Tanya : "How do you sleep at night?"
Annalise : "Alone... On very comfortable sheets. I like expensive bottles of vodka."

Saison 1
How to Get Away With Murder saison 1 Episode 9
Connor: "Same time, next week !"

How to Get Away With Murder saison 1 Episode 7
Rebecca : "My gosh. You guys are so gullible."
Annalise : "Rebecca, take this prep seriously or go to jail."
Rebecca : "Isn't it kind of your job to make sure that doesn't happen ?"
Annalise : "You slut, white-trash killer. You made Griffin strangle that girl on the roof. You liked watching her die because that's the piece of garbage you are ! That's what everyone in the world is gonna say about you. You don't care, neither do I. I'm not the one that's gonna be beaten, raped, and violated in jail. That's on you."

How to Get Away With Murder saison 1 Episode 4
Annalise : "Why is your penis on a dead girl's phone ?"

How to Get Away With Murder saison 1 Episode 3
Michaela: "My wedding dress is vera wang... Not off-the-rack vera wang...
Bespoke vera wang. It cost me a fortune. So, you better be sure. You can't embarrass me, Aiden. I have a plan for my life, and it doesn't include you ruining us. You hear me? So you'd better be sure because if you ever do anything like that again, I will divorce you, and I will take all your money, and I will destroy any chance you have at a political career."

How to Get Away With Murder saison 1 Episode 3
Connor : "Smile or go to jail !"