Revue de presse : Breaking Bad, saison 2

Publiée le 09/03/2009 à 02:00
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Fin janvier 2008, le visage livide de Walter White (interprété par Bryan Cranston) était apparu sur nos écrans. Début mars, il nous quittait prématurément au bout d'une trop courte première saison composée de 7 épisodes -9 épisodes de Breaking Bad avaient été commandé mais la grève des scénaristes était passée par là. Il nous laissait bien seul, avec l'image d'un homme abattu par la maladie, déployant dans tous ses efforts et avec maladresse son entrée dans le monde de la drogue.

A la fin de la saison 1, ce professeur de chimie ainsi que son associé nouaient leur premier gros contrat avec le parrain local, Tuco. Voilà où nous en sommes puisque la saison 2 reprend immédiatement après ce dernier plan. Et voilà ce qu'en ont pensé les américains qui ont assisté à la projection presse des 2 ou 3 premiers épisodes. Incroyablement positif.
TV Crush : While the entire episode is very smart, one scene stands out above all others - a confrontation between Walt’s very pregnant wife Skyler (Anna Gunn) and Hank. The scene builds in a crescendo of rage masterfully delivered by Gunn without editing, as far as I can tell. Just…wow. These are the kinds of scenes that earn actors Emmy nominations.

LATimes : As the new season seems intent on proving, it is impossible for a non-sociopath to lead two distinct and morally opposing lives, despite what some of our favorite movies and TV shows would have us believe. Whatever is at the strong, still center of Walter White must either take a final stand or give way all together. Which will be something worth watching and perhaps even rooting for.

Chicago Tribune : That's really the biggest problem with Breaking Bad—none of the other characters is nearly as interesting as Walt. Though she has one great scene in an early episode, all Walt's wife generally does is complain and worry, and Jesse remains a not-very-bright aspiring drug dealer.

: In fact, it looks as if Gilligan's bold vision for Breaking Bad, now duly rewarded against all odds, has invigorated everyone involved in the project. You can sense its maturity and rising ambition in each episode.

Pittsburgh post-gazette : A violent thriller with brief respites of dark humor, Breaking Bad is exceptional TV entertainment, but it sure can be uncomfortable to watch. : Breaking Bad works as an unabashedly bold story about a man in extremis, told with the iconographic and ironic sensibility of Quentin Tarantino. To wit, a scene in a convenience store during episode 3, in which Gilligan deploys a Muzak version of Roberta Flack's "Feel Like Makin' Love" that perfectly accents the absurdity of the striptease it accompanies. Even the last names on "Breaking Bad" - White, Pinkman - recall the character code names from Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs.

Hollywood Reporter
: Breaking Bad is indeed so flat-out superb it appears to be operating at a different level than just about everybody else save AMC's own Mad Men and maybe a couple of shows over at FX. May it live long and prosper.

: Breaking Bad would seem to be hard-pressed to enjoy a lengthy run, but series creator Vince Gilligan and his crew have done a remarkable job in compressing events, so much so that you begin to lose track of how long Walt has left.

: The season 2 premiere of Breaking Bad sees Walt venture deeper into the dark underbelly of the drug trade while his journey begins to take a larger toll on his family. [...] The second season of Breaking Bad looks to be even more gripping and compelling than the first. Pour les plus impatients d'entre vous, rendez-vous ici pour voir un extrait du premier épisode. Vous pouvez voir également en HD, dans son intégralité et en toute légalité le pilote de la série, disponible sur le site d'AMC.

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