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2 Broke Girls 3.01
«And the Soft Opening»
(Et l'ouverture privée)

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Diffusé le 23/09/2013
Diffusé sur 2 Broke Girls Etats-Unis CBS CBS
8 877 000

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2 Broke Girls 3.01
Max et Caroline inaugure l'ouverture de leur nouvelle boutique de Cupcake. Le soir-même, un jeune homme meurt devant leurs yeux après avoir mangé un Cupcake. Il s'avère que ce dernier est une personne célèbre ce qui va avoir de drôles de répercussions sur le business des filles... Oleg et Sophie décident de rester en bons termes malgré la précédente rupture.

Mokona Proposé par Mokona
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Citations de l'épisode
Max : Anything new, let’s see, well — Facebook went public and Edward Snowden went private. Kim and Kanye had a baby, so now there’s another Kardashian to not keep up with. Paula Deen is out, gay marriage is in and a teacher in California is out for letting her students get it in. Justin Bieber got a hit and run, Chris Brown got a hit and run, Rihanna got hit and still didn’t run. Oprah gave Lindsay two million dollars, cunnilingus gave Michael Douglas throat cancer and Michael Douglas gave guys everywhere another excuse not to do that. Egypt went crazy, Amanda Bynes went crazier and the NSA checks our phones like a crazy ex-girlfriend. Oh, and Texas hates women, Florida hates black and everybody hates everything, with the exception of Angelina Jolie, who is totally awesome.
Anonyme Proposé par Anonyme le 30/09/13
Citations 2 Broke Girls

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